Fast forward to now, my senior year of college. I have been registered as a Democrat for a few years now and never looked back. I have taken the Political Compass Test a few times, and my score has not varied much. But that had still not answered many of my questions. Why was a Democrat? What is a Democrat? Does it even matter to be affiliated with a party?
Fast forward to the even more specific now, the moment I begin writing this blog to answer these questions. In a recent coffee date, with a professional in the political arena, I was asked these seemingly simple questions: Why do you care about politics? Why are you a Democrat? Why do you want to get involved with a political life? I froze. How could I let such important questions become so second nature to me? And so I write. I write to answer these questions for myself, and hopefully for others wondering the same thing.
I have spent this semester speaking to people, both in my peer group and professionals, from all areas of the political spectrum. I implore all reading this to do the same; follow this blog in tandem with current events paired with discussions of these events. A stance on an issue means nothing out of context; if you formulate an opinion without seeing it unfold in the news or in the real lives of those around you the issue affects, what does it really matter to "pro" or "anti" something?
Stay informed and keep talking.