

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Its Not Easy Being Green

From that first time reading Dr. Seuss' The Lorax or watching Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, Americans have become fascinated with the ideal of Environmentalism. The majority of Americans support the notion of global warming and recycling, these views and practices are not the points that polarize party politics. Most people, regardless of party, want to see the planet thrive. Personal choices, such as recycling or composting, are seen in Democratic and Republican households alike. So how does the issue of the environment stir up so much controversy, doesn't everyone support a healthy, green planet? Similar to the back-and-forth debate regarding equality vs. liberty, environmentalism brings out another ideological debate: public vs. private ownership.

Republicans feel that environmentalism can be balanced with economic stability. If the economy is positive, then people can buy property and protect it. Republicans feel that the best way to protect the environment is utilize the right to do what an individual chooses to do with their own privately purchased property. The GOP wishes that the government not put money into environmental sustainability efforts, but rather should focus on economic growth so that individuals can purchase private property and protect it against global warming.

Democrats wish to promote equality through regulation. Democrats feel that the government needs to get involved in order to preserve the environment. The government needs to fund preventative ecological efforts and wildlife reservations to promote sustainability and take action to prevent further irreversible damage. Democrats believe that the choice between economy and ecological prosperity is a myth. Democrats believe that Republicans convince the public that one can only value equality if they have the financial backing to do so; an individual can protect the environment by purchasing the land and choosing whether or not that land will be protected. Democrats believe that it is the government's right and responsibility to protect the environment and regulate detrimental efforts. While it is important to recycle and buy locally, these are small steps. It is important for every person (not just the rich) to support environmental sustainability and growth.

Stay informed and keep talking.