

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why Should I [Health] Care?

Health care has been the hot button issue for years, but us Democrats have dominated the conversation since 2010-the announcement of the Affordable Care Act. The Act has been criticized by Republicans, and many who simply oppose Barack Obama and his policies. The Affordable Care Act has been mislabeled "ObamaCare" in an effort to polarize the conversation about affordable and accessible health care. With the miscommunications and misrepresentations, it is difficult to understand what the Democrat's approach to health care even is.

The Democrats have been working since 2010 to provide every household with affordable accessible health care. Republicans are not opposed to health care, they just oppose the method for providing the nation with health care. A Republican would view health care as an aspect of liberty, that individuals should have the ability to purchase health care-but the provided and specific plan should be the role of the business or the family, not the role of government. Democrats believe that health care is an issue of equality, that every household should receive health coverage, and this is only possible if the government is able to regulate this (and ensure that individuals are not slipping through the cracks).

The Democrat House Website shows specific provisions such as keeping minors covered with their parents until they are 26, covering children with pre-existing conditions, and covering preventative care. The Democrat viewpoint here exemplifies one of equality; that all people are equal and thus deserve equal treatment and opportunities. The Act has been categorized as "socialists" (another term attempting to polarize the bill and gain more Republican support) but it is less about Socialism and more about anti-Capitalism. This means that Democrats do not see Health Care as a commodity, but rather a right for all citizens.

Health Care is just one of many issues that shows how polarized the political process has the ability to become. If Republicans believe that Health Care must be bought and Democrats believe that Health Care must be given-someone looses and someone wins. It is important for every person (regardless of party) to register themselves with the website for the Affordable Care Act, to see what type of coverage they are eligible for. It is equally important, when discussing health care, to recognize that it should not be discussed as a political issue, but rather a human rights issue. Both parties are not arguing about whether or not people deserve health care, they are arguing about the method in which health care is provided.

Stay informed and keep talking.

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